Home ≫ 研究成果 ≫ 2期生(2009年度)

石坂 昌司
- 著者/発表者:
- S. Ishizaka, K. Yamauchi, and N. Kitamura
- 表題:
- Reversible Control of the Equilibrium Size of a Single Aerosol Droplet by Change in Relative Humidity
- 発表先:
- Analytical Sciences, 30(11), 1075-1079 (2014)
- 著者/発表者:
- S. Ishizaka, K. Yamauchi, and N. Kitamura
- 表題:
- In situ Quantification of Ammonium Sulfate in Single Aerosol Droplets by Means of Laser Trapping and Raman Spectroscopy
- 発表先:
- Analytical Sciences, 29(12), 1223-1226 (2013)
- 著者/発表者:
- S. Ishizaka , K. Yamauchi, and N. Kitamura
- 表題:
- Laser Trapping and Raman Spectroscopy of Single Aerosol Water Droplets
- 発表先:
- Bunseki Kagaku , 62(5), 361-367 (2013)
- 著者/発表者:
- Shoji Ishizaka, Teruhide Wada, Noboru Kitamura
- 表題:
- In Situ Observations of Freezing Processes of Single Micrometer-sized Aqueous Ammonium Sulfate Droplets in Air
- 発表先:
- Chemical Physics Letters, 506(1-3), 117-121 (2011)