Home ≫ 研究成果 ≫ 2期生(2009年度)

財津 慎一
- 著者/発表者:
- Shin-ichi Zaitsu and Totaro Imasaka
- 表題:
- Intracavity phase-matched coherent anti-Stokes Raman spectroscopy for trace gas detection
- 発表先:
- Analytical Sciences, Vol. 30 75-79 (2014)
- 著者/発表者:
- Shin-ichi Zaitsu and Totaro Imasa
- 表題:
- Control of quantum pathways for the generation of continuous-wave Raman sidebands
- 発表先:
- Optics Express, Vol. 19, 24298-24307 (2011)
- 著者/発表者:
- Shin-ichi Zaitsu and Totaro Imasa
- 表題:
- Phase-matched generation of high-order continuous-wave coherent Raman sidebands
- 発表先:
- Optics Communications, Vol. 285, 347-351 (2011)
- 著者/発表者:
- Shin-ichi Zaitsu and Totaro Imasaka
- 表題:
- Continuous-wave multifrequency laser emission generated through stimulated Raman scattering and four-wave Raman mixing in an optical cavity
- 発表先:
- IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics, Vol. 47, 1129-1135 (2011)
- 著者/発表者:
- Shin-ichi Zaitsu and Totaro Imasaka
- 表題:
- Quantitative measurement of the phase-locking of highly repetitive ultrashort optical pulses generated by a multifrequency continuous-wave Raman laser
- 発表先:
- AApplied Optics, Vol. 49, 1586-1592 (2010)