Chair Professor
Department of Applied Chemistry,
National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University
Recent Research Achievements
Journal Paper
Conference (Invited/Keynotes)
What's New
- 2024/03/07 Message in support of Prof. Omatsu project
- 2023/09/28 Prof. Masuhara was awarded the title of Fellow of The Japan Society of Applied Physics at the 84th JSAP Autumn Meeting held in Kumamoto in September 2023.
- 2022/12/29 A essay written by Prof. Masuhara featured on NYCU NEWS "What one Japanese Scientist has seen, heard, and felt"
- 2021/10/28 The 77th Birthday Activity Report
- 2021/10/28 The 77th Birthday Activity Report (Privte Version)
- 2021/03/19 Dr. Jim Jr-Min Lin, Institute of Atomic and Molecular Sciences, Academia Sinica, visited us on March 19, 2021.
- 2021/03/05 Prof. Dr. Michitoshi Hayashi, Director of Center for Condensed Matter Sciences, National Taiwan University visited us on March 5, 2021.
- 2021/02/01 Our university's name was changed from NCTU to NYCU ( National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University) on February 1, 2021.
- 2020/12/29 13 years Research Life in Taiwan and COVID
- 2020/06/04 Hiroshi Masuhara introduced in 40th_Anniversary book of Center of
Sicence, NCTU
- 2020/08/11 Plebnary Lecture for ICP2019 mentioned in J.Phys.Chem.A
- 2018/10/20 "2018 Nobel Prize Physics Awardee Arthur Ashkin and Our Research
on Laser Trappind Dynamics and Chemistry (PDF 6.3MB)"
by Masuhara in Masuhara-Sugiyama Joint Laboratory Seminar
- 2018/08/07 Portrait renewed!
- 2018/07/01 "Activity Report 2008 - 2018" published
- 2018/04/02 LIU Tsung-Han has been appointed as an assistant professor of
Kwansei Gakuin Univ., Japan
- 2018/04/01 "Center for Emergent Functional Matter Science(CEFMS), NCTU"
- 2017/10/30 "Journal Paper 2017" updated
- 2017/08/31 "Journal Paper 2017" uploaded
- 2017/04/28 Message: Remarks for the Dinner for Frontier Bioorganization
Forum 2017
- 2017/02/19 Featured in Advances in Engineering
- 2016/07/05 "Journal Paper 2016" uploaded
- 2016/06/21
Opening Remarks for Hsinchu Summer Course (PDF)
- 2016/06/13
A trip to Brunei (PDF)
- 2016/03/23
Workshop on Molecular and Biological Nanophotonics will be held
- 2015/11/11 Message: Attending the Reaction Dynamics Symposium
in Taipei
- 2015/09/14 Message: From Sendai to Taiwan remembering late Professor
Tetsuo Nozoe
- 2015/07/20 Opening remarks for the 4th Hsinchu Summer Course and
Workshop by Hiroshi MASUHARA (PDF)
- 2015/04/05 "Journal Paper 2015" uploaded
- 2014/12/09 Message: Short Comment for APC
- 2014/01/27 Message: Opening Remarks at NCTU-NAIST-ITRC Joint Workshop
- 2014/01/03 "Journal Paper 2014" uploaded
- 2013/11/28 "Journal Paper 2013" updated
- 2013/11/14 Dr. Michel Sliwa wins the bronze medal of CNRS, and Hiroshi Masuhara gives lectures at the ceremony of the medal and at the seminar in Lille Univ.
- 2013/10/09 "Journal Paper 2013" updated
- 2013/10/01 Selected for "ACS Live Slides"
- 2013/09/22 "Journal Paper 2013" updated
- 2013/09/01 Message: Remembering Prof. Paul Barbara
- 2013/08/07 Get featured on the back cover of "Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan"
- 2013/08/07 Get featured on the cover of "Science Progress"
- 2013/08/07 Give remarks at the banquet of ICP 2013
- 2013/08/07 Give opening remarks at the Post-Conference ICP 2013
- 2013/08/02 "Journal Paper 2013" updated
- 2013/07/16 "Journal Paper 2013" updated
- 2013/05/13 "Journal Paper 2013" updated
- 2013/01/13 Department seminar by Prof. Kitamura, including introduction of MASUHARA ERATO project
- 2013/01/07 "Journal Paper 2013" uploaded
- 2012/12/28 "Journal Paper 2012" updated
- 2012/12/24 Established Masuhara Lectureship Award and history of the Asian and Oceanian Photochemistry Association (APA)
- 2012/11/21 "Journal Paper 2012" updated
- 2012/10/25 Give opening remarks at the 7th Taiwan-Japan Bilateral Symposium
- 2012/10/01 Invited to Department seminar of Institute of Biophotonics, National Yang Ming University
- 2012/09 Hiroshi Masuhara attended a kiff-off meeting of Belgian IAP project in Leuven
- 2012/09/18 Give closing remarks at the banquet of Yamada Conference 66
- 2012/07/12 "Journal Paper 2012" updated
- 2012/04/28 Invited to give a lecture at Solvay Colloquium (Belgium)
- 2012/04/04 "Journal Paper 2012" updated
- 2012/04/02 Give a Commemorative Lecture for a ceremony at Tohoku University
- 2012/03/22 Appointed as a member of International Scientific Committee of MOLECULAR PHOTONICS"
- 2012/03/18 "Journal Paper 2012" newly uploaded
- 2012/03/07 "Journal Paper 2011" updated
- 2012/02/17 Invited to give a lecture at AIST-ANNA Seminar
- 2011/12/19 Bio-nano Science Seminar held in memory of the late Dr.Kenji Suzuki
- 2011/12/12 The first Workshop of Micro Chemistry held
- 2011/12/12 Serves as a moderator for a public Symposium by CREST Project
- 2011/11/30 Invited to "BELSPO ANNUAL SCIENTIFIC MEETING" as an International Advisory Board Member
- 2011/11/22 Highlighted by NPG Asia Materials
- 2011/11/19 Invited to give a lecture at 2011 RCAS-ANNA Symposium
- 2011/11/14 Gives an opening speech at the 4th MEXT “Photon Frontier Network” Symposium
- 2011/11/10 Profile page updated
- 2011/09/30 Hamano Junichi Laboratory of Laser Bio/Nano Sience Commemorative Events held on Sep. 30th, 2011
- 2011/09/02 Hiroshi MASUHARA website redesigned
- 2011/07 Elected as a Fellow of The National Academy of Science, India

Room 613,
Tin-Ka Ping Photonics Center
1001 Ta Hsueh Rd.,
Hsinchu 300093, Taiwan
►E-MAIL masuhara(at)